Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A Long Overdue Message and Apology

I'm so very sorry for just dropping my designs and posts as I did... the reason was I was diagnosed with cancer at that time, Multiple Myeloma to be exact. To say I was shocked is definitely an understatement. Since my diagnosis, I have done no designing... all my time and energy has been geared towards fighting this beast and winning back the extra years that I would lose, otherwise.

So... in the meantime, if I don't post, don't be surprised... and please check in periodically... I'm going to be having a stem cell transplant soon, and I will be stuck in Chicago for 30 or so days... maybe I will surprise myself and start desiging again!

Thank you, so much, for understanding! I will be back, I have too many good ideas in mind NOT to want to continue these sets!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I want to wish you all the strength fighting this and hope you are feeling better soon. I keep following your blog, I loved your sets and pinned a lot of them on my pinterest: https://nl.pinterest.com/clautje/lots-of-digital-freebies/

    Love from Holland, Claudia
